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Sunday, March 9, 2008

My Reflection of UOI

In this unit , I learned about communication tools.The central Idea of this unit is People use communication tools and systems to help express them selves in diffrent ways.
We did watch a podcast about radio. We made a piegraph and pictograph. Mrs.Jane also gave us an E-comic on our USB. We made a blog,We put a picture from also play a games.We also learnsbout Internet safety, Is like we can't put our full name in our blog, Our E-mail, Our full address, and our home number.
We learned how to do the pictures in the paint and we used the print screen button , We also learned how to save a pictures into Jpeg.We also ask 100 people what is their's communication tools.
We also dida presentation about communication tool.We also visited Riam's Aunt's Radio station website.
My favorite activity was when I make the graph because i can know more about micosoft Excel. I am showing curiosity because I want to know more.

1 comment:

Michelle Pranoto said...

You improve a lot Jessica! Very nice blog.